


🎥 【影片推薦】克服負面思維模式,尋找快樂!🌈



💡 這段對話中提到,我們的成長環境可能讓我們習慣於悲觀的心態,但現在是時候打破這種模式,勇敢地迎接快樂的可能性了!無論是人際關係的建立,還是對愛的渴望,這一切都不應該是我們的負擔,而是生活中的美好禮物。

📅 不要再讓過去的陰影影響你的未來,讓我們一起學習如何把悲傷放回該有的位置,並勇敢地探索那些未知的快樂高地吧!這不僅僅是一個影片,而是一個改變思維的契機!

點擊這裡觀看影片,開始你的快樂旅程吧!👉 Overcoming Negative Thought Patterns to Find Joy


原文介紹:What if we didn’t always have to be as sad and as anxious as we usually are? What if we could more properly appreciate the beauty and the potential that lie all around us? What if we noticed the trees and the interesting faces of strangers? What if we allowed ourselves to connect more deeply with the people we meet? What if we let go of our normal reserve and suspicion and fear? What if we surrendered to loving and to being loved?

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